Focus Your Health
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

  Breast Cancer Treatment's High Cost And What Can Be Done

Dr. Jay Harness explains that there are the obvious costs of breast cancer depending on insurance coverage and co-pays, as well as the stage of the breast cancer. Fortunately, in most hospitals there are social workers and financial advisers that can help patients with this.

Jay K. Harness, MD FACS: There are multiple costs when it comes to breast cancer.

A number one cost is an emotional cost. It is the trauma of the diagnosis, the trauma to you and members of your family that has a cost. There is the cost of breast cancer when it come to lost days of work or having to hire other people that help with care at home. Then there are the obvious costs of breast cancer depending on what kind of insurance coverage that you have and what is the co-pays like, and what is the stage of the breast cancer is in the first place.

The cynic would say mastectomy without reconstruction is a low cost option. Yes sure is, but it has a high cost when it comes to the emotional side. So typically the cost for breast cancer involve the surgery, they involve then the other adjunctive treatments, those other adjunctive therapies or treatments involve are often anti-hormonal therapy, perhaps chemotherapy, perhaps radiation therapy. There is some sort of circumstances that I have seen where the patients have had to use assistance from their own state governments to cover the co-pays because their co-pays are so high for the policy that they have compared to what they are living, they making etc, etc. Fortunately, there are financial advisors around. In most hospital setting are social workers that can help work our way through this.

One of the other questions that comes up is, "wait a minute, may be we can lower overall healthcare costs and particularly the costs of breast cancer treatment if we use complementary or alternative forms of treatment". Those of us who are in the field full-time, most of us including myself do not have objections to things that are complementary. In another words, things like acupuncture as an example; things like yoga as an example. Obviously, exercise and things related to that. Clearly, if somebody is diagnosed with depression, they need to have that treated either by routine regular medications or some of the over-the-counter medications that can work, such St. John's wort, etc.

So, overall I do not think that complementary and alternative approaches of breast cancer are going to lower overall costs. I think that, yes we have moved down the road and healthcare delivery in the United States. There is going to be a greater tendency that package things together to bundle things into more of a cohesive dollar amount coming to doctors and hospitals, things like that I think are going to happen.

If you find yourself in a particular financial buying grade now, please consult with the hospital that you are working with, see what financial advisors may be available? Please also if you are considering any kind of complementary therapies as you discussed this with the members of your multidisciplinary team.

Dr. Jay K. Harness is a board certified surgeon currently treating patients at St. Joesph Hospital in Orange, CA. Dr. Harness specializes in complete breast health, breast cancer surgery, oncoplastic reconstruction, genetic screening, management of breast health issues, risk assessment and counseling. Dr. Harness is the medical director for Breast Cancer, and guides this first ever social media show's information by drawing on his former leadership experience as the President of the American Society of Breast Surgeons and Breast Surgery International. Dr. Harness graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1969 and spent time early on in his career at the University of Michigan Medical Center.

This information should not be relied upon as a substitute for personal medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Use the information provided on this site solely at your own risk.  If you have any concerns about your health, please consult with a physician.

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Thank you for a very informative post. Much appreciated

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